
Monthly testing of elevator recall

Up until recently, Ontario has not enforced the CSA B44 requirement for monthly testing of elevator firefighter's operation - including recall of the elevators to the ground floor.  However,  the exemption for this testing disappeared as of January so this is now...

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Covid 19 and Elevator Button Cleaning

As elevator technical experts we would not presume to offer advice on pandemic medical issues, even regarding elevators. Information from various health authorities is available and it is fluid. It seems clear that limiting the number of people in an elevator is...

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Important information regarding Covid-19 pandemic

We hope that this message finds our friends, clients, and associates doing well under the circumstances. For our part, we have found the response of our community has been with kindness, responsibility, and resilience. The COVID-19 challenge for the elevator industry...

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Globe and Mail Reporting On Another Elevator Horror Story

Elevators a let-down for Toronto condo dwellers - Globe and Mail, May 24, 2018 "The 25-storey condominium building at 59 East Liberty Ave. has for the past 10 months been torturing its residents with one of the scourges of vertical living in Ontario – an elevator that...

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Elevator Maintenance Contracts – A Survival Guide

Have you been tasked with setting up an elevator maintenance contract for the property you manage? It is generally the case with elevators that if they are working as designed, nobody takes notice.  However, if the elevators operate unreliably, or cause safety...

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